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The Kaiser & König GmbH is a jung and modern company located in Bavaria, Friedberg.

We design and construct plants and units for the following applications:

  • for storage, conveying and dosing of liquids and gases
  • for reduction of evironment endangering emissions
  • with own procedures
  • with customer-developed procedures:
    - in cause of expansion or rearmament of plants
    - in cause of planning, delivery and construction of pilot plants
The main features of our range of delivery and services are:
  • dosing plants and conveying plant
  • storing plants for water-polluting or inflammable liquids
  • conditioning plants
  • special plants
  • production plants for semiconductor technology
  • engineering services

For the following applicants:

  • Chemical and petrochemical industries
  • Semiconductor technology
  • Paper industry
  • Mineral oil and fuel gas
  • Power plants
  • Waste incineration plants (MVA)
  • Environmental and specially technologies
A well-trained team with longterm practical experience guarantees for a cost effective, effi-cient, safe and timely solution of your specification. For this task our staff has at their command the most up-to-date tools for planning and com-missioning.
Our plants and functional elements are manufactured by competent and qualified building companies, which are capabled to refer to the high quality of their products. The incorporati-on of electronic measuring, controlling ad adjusting devices into programmable control sys-tems and their connection to applicants control technology will be realized in cooperation with qualified partners.

Our services include:

Design, delivery, assembly and commissioning of plants and systems, including mechanical and process guarantees, measuring, controlling and adjusting devices. We are an authorized company according to § 19 I WHG (Water economy act) for the services "planning, incorporation and treatment of inflammable and water endangering materials.
We work in accordance with special quality management regulations. Certification of the company according to the german DIN ISO 9001 is being planned for the near future.

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